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COst Control & Forecasting

Planner, snc lavalin inc Canada, Refinery Revamp

START Date: 
May, 2013

Just assumed a role of Planner/Cost Controller at SNC-Lavalin, my tasks are:

- Project Roadmap;

- Master Schedule;

- Resource Staffing (Manpower forecasting & leveling);

- Camp site Congestion;

- Progress Reports;

- Cost Status Reports.

Planner, snc lavalin inc Canada, Refinery Revamp

START Date: 
May, 2013

Just assumed a role of Planner/Cost Controller at SNC-Lavalin, my tasks are:

- Project Roadmap;

- Master Schedule;

- Resource Staffing (Manpower forecasting & leveling);

- Camp site Congestion;

- Progress Reports;

- Cost Status Reports.

Planner, snc lavalin inc Canada, Refinery Revamp

START Date: 
May, 2013

Just assumed a role of Planner/Cost Controller at SNC-Lavalin, my tasks are:

- Project Roadmap;

- Master Schedule;

- Resource Staffing (Manpower forecasting & leveling);

- Camp site Congestion;

- Progress Reports;

- Cost Status Reports.

Commercial Superintendent, PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia, Melak Coal Mining Project - East Kalimantan - Indonesia

START Date: 
January, 2009
END Date: 
May, 2009
  1. Managing Dayworks and Variation Works.
  2. Monthly Progress Claim.
  3. Accounting (petty cash, sub-contractors payment,etc).
  4. Cost control (from JDE; indirect cost, direct cost and Budget Control; from CATS data for Flexy Budget, annual budget, etc).
  5. Cost Analysis.
  6. Monitor and Control Infomine Program (daily productivity of main digger, cost per bcm, etc).
  7. Managing report to internal (CV, CV Narative, Monthly Report) and external (Monthly Report).
  1. Managing Dayworks and Variation Works.
  2. Monthly Progress

Project Control Manager, Borealis Group, LD5 Plant

START Date: 
October, 2007
END Date: 
July, 2008

Project Controls Manager for the Client. Review of the Main contractor schedule and cost control. Assisting the Project Manager in Cost Forecasting and auditing the contractor's schedule and progress. Cost Control and Forecasting for both client internal costs and contracts.

Planning Engineer, Sistemyapi, Wastewater Treatment Plant

START Date: 
May, 2008
END Date: 
May, 2010

Planning Engineer - Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction (EPC) Fidic Craiova Romania

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