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Subcontract Administrator, Tecnicas Reunidas, Home Office support

START Date: 
September, 2004
END Date: 
September, 2005

Working in the home office, I provided cost control and subcontractor management support to the construction department of the home office.  During this period, in addition to cost control functions such as budget preparation and cost estimating, I also performed quantity surveying, preparing BoQ from measurements on site drawings to prepare applications for payments, Subcontractor management including drafting and award of subcontracts, and directly supervising several subcontracts for projects under execution.  Additionally, I reviewed and redacted technical requisitions to brin

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 

Division Scheduler, Granite Construction Company, Various Domestic Projects -

START Date: 
October, 2007
END Date: 
November, 2011

Mr. Doughty has overall responsibility for coordinating and developing project schedules for Granite West Large Projects Group during the pursuit process for major CM/GC, design-build, bid-build and projects using Primavera SureTrak, P3 and P5/P6 software.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis): 

Freelance Project Planner, BAE Systems, Laser

START Date: 
April, 2002
END Date: 
December, 2003

Contract bid planner. Worked on major Laser bid for Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. Generated cost, price and various project control information for the bid, originating from a fully resourced schedule. Bid duly won and contract awarded.

Senior Planning Manager, OHL International, Tenders and Mega Projects

START Date: 
February, 2010

Current Role


Currently Bid and Planning Manager for OHL International responsible for the Middle East and beyond

Market Place

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