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BNFL (Sellafield Sites)

Planning Engineer, BNFL (Sellafield Sites), Enhanced Actinide Removal Plant

START Date: 
February, 1992
END Date: 
March, 1993

Development of schedules, progress updates and reports for the Enhanced Actinide Removal Plant Commissioning. 

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 

Bid/Project Planning Engineer, BNFL (Sellafield Sites), Nuclear

START Date: 
April, 2005
END Date: 
May, 2013
  • Planning Engineer Roles and Responsibilities 2010/2013
  • Working on Major Projects within the Business
  • Using Primavera to carrying out the Planning applications required for the Project:
  • Develop the Project Programme
  • Develop the Work Breakdown Structure with Resources and Cost ]
  • Monitor, Control and report on project progress
  • DV Cleared

Work Week Manager Roles and Resposibilities 2005/2010

Bid/Project Planning Engineer, BNFL (Sellafield Sites), Nuclear

START Date: 
April, 2005
END Date: 
May, 2013

Planning Engineer Roles and Responsibilities 2010/2013

Assistant Project Manager / Project Planner, BNFL (Sellafield Sites), Sellafield

START Date: 
January, 1987
END Date: 
October, 2000

Production planning team leader - Chemical plants planner - Batch Process planner - Construction planner.

Planning Engineer, BNFL (Sellafield Sites), THORP Nuclear Plant

START Date: 
July, 1990
END Date: 
March, 1991

Responsible for the control and monitoring of several contractors programmes and for integrating them into an overall construction programme.

Development of a Sub Station cabling and commissioning programme to provide phased electrical start up to meet the overall THORP plant commissioning programme.

Software used was Artemis 2000 and SMART integrated package for general reporting.

Project Manager, BNFL (Sellafield Sites), B38 (Sellafield) Retrievals

START Date: 
October, 2006
END Date: 
November, 2007

The B38 project’s aim is to safely retrieve radioactive waste from an old building whilst mitigating explosion risk during retrievals due to the decomposition of magnox swarf producing hydrogen.

Employed as a Project Manager for 4 projects (total value £2M P/A) under the B38 Retrievals portfolio including bi-monthly progress reporting to Senior Management for the whole of the portfolio (value £20M P/A).

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