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Introduction to Primavera 6 R8.1 (P6 R8.1)

By the Introduction to P6 R8.1, we mean the basic understanding and procedures required to start up a new project in P6 R8.1. As we know that the P6 is one of the leading softwares in the world in the field of Project Planning and COntrol; it has some standard procedures of usage (i.e. steps to create a project). Although some the steps are not necessarily be inorder but some have to be. A detailed procdure has been given at QsArticle.Let us enlist some of the steps required to create a new project;

1) Primavera Products:

          First of all we must know which product of Primavera should be used. As there are many Primavera Products out there in the market, therefore, it is utmost necessary for us to analyze our reuirements before going for a specific product. In this article, we will be talking about P6 PPM R8.1 which stands for Primavera 6 Professional Project Management Module R8.1. A review of the different Primavera products can be found at Introduction to Primavera Products.

2) Defining OBS:

         OBS stands for Organizational Break Down Structure. This step is mandatory. In this step, we define OBS, i.e. the managerial structure of the company. At least one responsible manager should be present in this structure.

3) Defining EPS:

        EPS stands for Enterprise Project Structure. When we define EPS, we define the list of projects in the database. This step is also mandatory. Atleast one EPS node should be available before creating a new project.

4) Mapping OBS over EPS:

        In this step, we assign a responsible manager to a specific EPS node. This step is also mandatory. If not performed by the user, this step is excuted by the system itself. A complete procedure can be accessed at Mapping OBS over EPS.

5) Creating a Calendar:

        This step is not mandatory as there is always one calendar in the database. But it is advised to define a new calendar reflecting the projects working and non-working hours (and/or) days. The complete procedure of definf the calendars are given under the topic How to define calendars in P6?

6) Creating a New Project:

    After completing the above steps, we can create a new project

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