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Point Syncro to Multiple Databases

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R Wells
User offline. Last seen 9 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Mar 2014
Posts: 10

So I am running into an issue with having Syncro load multiple databases at once. Currently everytime I switch to a different project I have to go and Configure Syncro to see the new project database (each project is in a different database). Is there a way to have syncro "see" all of my Primavera databases? I am using P6 Ver 8.301

Side note to anyone else using Syncro a valuable can import all your use profiles from previous project. Very nice feature!


R Wells
User offline. Last seen 9 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Mar 2014
Posts: 10

Synchro did an excellent job of providing this information for is there solution (which does work)

1. Copy original API folder and Paste - one of each project that you have a database for

2. Go into the new API folder and open the Bootstrap file (XML)

3. There you will see code but do not be will notice in this code text displaying the exact name of your database.

4. Change the text in this code to match "EXACTLY" the name of the P6 database you are trying to access

5. Close (if Synchro is open) or Open Synchro and then go to Options and point your API Configuration folder at the new folder you just created.

6. Repeat for each additional project you have

7. Bad news is that you will have to close/open Synchro everytime you wish to change databases and then point Synchro at the API project folder you want to use.

If everything works (as it does for me at least) then you should be able to go import your P6 schedule.