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Resource leveling activity interruptions

5 replies [Last post]
Rafael Davila
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Posts: 5241

We can specify which activities can be interrupted by resource leveling.

  • What is the best way to report the interruptions on a table report?
  • How to filter for activities with resource leveling interruptions?


Activity splitting can be a cause for different values of start and finish float.


Rafael Davila
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Start and Finish floats can be different not only for interrupted activities.

  • Agree, I just wanted to highlight materials leveling as another reason for start and finish float be different. If during activity execution materials are depleted before activity completion the activity will be stopped until more materials become available.
  • Financial constraints can be another reason for for start and finish float be different.


I recall some references(1) about different start and finish float values but I do not recall one that makes reference to activity splitting by consumable/materials or by financial resources leveling engine, perhaps because not all software is capable of such functionalities.


Start and Finish floats can be different not only for interrupted activities.

Hi Rafael,

thank you for noticing that the field Interruptions was missed in the list of project columns.

Please download the latest version of Spider Project and find column Interruptions in the Other section.

Filtering by not empty values in this column you will see all activities with interrupted execution.

Rafael Davila
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Posts: 5241

I figured out that with a few formulas I can create the filter.


Still I need a way to report interruption dates.

Rafael Davila
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Posts: 5241

Before materials leveling the schedule is not feasible if materials inventories are depleted.


After resource leveling the schedule is feasible.

Bricks Installation B is interrpted by the resource leveling algorithm.