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Resources and Financial Leveling

11 replies [Last post]
Bogdan Leonte
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I have the following scenario to model:

The owner (Client) has a limited amount of funding per time period (month/quarter). I would like to be able to schedule de project with resource (labour, machine) constraints then run a financial constraint schedule. Here is my problem...when leveling resources I do not wish to split (interupt) any activities, but when I scheduel with financial constraints I would like all activities to be interuptable in order to split them for the next funding period BUT I DO NOT want the activities to be split because of resource leveling.

Is there a way to do that? My solution is as follows:

01. Mark all activities as interuptable, except for funding milestones;
02. Schedule with resource constraints (with Disable interuptions option Checked);
03. Apply the Schedule resource workloads function from the Calculation menu;
04. Schedule without resource constraints but with financial constraints (with Disable interuptions option Uncheked)

The result should allow me to identify resource overallocation due to Owner limited funding and determine the impact on the duration when considering funding limits and resource limits.

My questions are:

A. Is there a way of scheduling resources without interuptions and financial constraints with interruptions? If not wouldn't be usefull for the user to be able to select if the Activities are interuptable for resources or/and materials or/and financial constraints?
B. Is there a better solution than steps 01-04?

Best regards,


Rafael Davila
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Bogdan Leonte
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Regarding "If you apply financial splitting allowed for all activities..." - I agree with your observation.

Regarding "I have the suspiction it would be minimal the difference in computing time..." - I do not know the exact answer to this, but I am pretty sure that implementing this at the activity level will imply a lot more combinations than implementing it at the entire schedule level.

Vladimir is the one how can give us a final opinion.

Best regards,

Rafael Davila
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Try again to see if new sharing options work.

Bogdan and Vladimir

  • If you apply financial splitting allowed for all activities at the Resource Constrained Schedule configuration it will miss some activities that should not be scheduled with financial splitting no matter what.
  • I have the suspiction it would be minimal the difference in computing time if at the Resource Constrained Schedule configuration or if at the activity parameters. The significant difference should be between as it is now vs any of the proposed alternatives.

Best Regards,


Bogdan Leonte
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Thank you for your input, I cannot access the google files. Could you post them again?

Regarding "I like the idea of the 3 interruptable options to be at the activity level:". I thought about writing this suggestion but I think it would be very time consuming, especially for large schedules. Maybe interting the 3 options in the Resource Constrained Schedule configuration, as a general rule for the entire schedule, may be enough.

Best regards,

Rafael Davila
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I did not want to interrupt your request to Vladimir therefore I tried sending you this message to comment but could not get your name into the required recipient field (*).
- When using the same resource over multiple locations (buildings for example) it makes no sense to make the activity Interruptable because the resource cannot jump from one building to another ...
> Resources can still jump from one building to another no matter if activities are not interruptible, modeling of resource as a spatial recource can prevent this.
> Spatial Resources - Google Slides

  • I like the idea of the 3 interruptable options to be at the activity level: but not sure if that would place too much burden on the resource leveling.

Good Luck

(*) I just figured it out I misspelled your name into the required recipient field.

Bogdan Leonte
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regarding ”We can define if an activity can be interrupted or not and usually this is a technology restriction” I agree, but when it comes to money any activity is interruptable.This is not a simple issue since the interruptability of the activity is dependent on the level of detail of the schedule.For example: plastering: 
  • if the level of detail is at the building level (you have several building) the activity will be very long and can be interrupted due to resource, materials, money.
  • if you have a level of detail by building level (floor) than the activity will be longer and can be interrupted due to resource, materials, money. 
  • if the level of detail is a the room level the activity cannot be interrupted.
It makes little scense to delay an activity until all the money is available.In civil projects most activities can be interrupted, but again this also depends on the level of detail of the schedule.

When using the same resource over multiple locations (buildings for example) it makes no sense to make the activity Interruptable because the resource cannot jump from one building to another, but it makes sense to interrupt the activity if material supply is stopped of the owner doesn't have enough money to finish the activity.

What I am suggesting is the following: Introduce sub-optios for the interruption function: resources, materials, financial. All options can be checked or unchecked. This way the user can decide if the activity will be interupted due to resource and/or material shortage and/or financial shortage.

I hope this is more clear.

Best regards,


I don't understand the purpose of this.

We can define if an activity can be interrupted or not and usually this is a technology restriction.

Why it can or cannot be interrupted does not depend on the reason for interruption.

The schedule is created taking into account all existing constraints. Interruptions created by financial constraints change resource requirements for the following works, separate resource and financial constrained schedules do not make sense.

I understand that it could be useful to inform the user why an activity was interrupted but do not imagine why any activity can be interrupted due to financial constraints only.

Bogdan Leonte
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Please delete. Double Post.

Bogdan Leonte
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I do not want to compare Resource Constrained Schedule with Financial Contrained Schedule. I want to find out how much will financial constraints will delay the Resource Schedule. I do not want to split activities during Resource Constrained Schedule because this is not how I will do the work.

I followed your advise with a few minor changes. Here is what I did:

01. Resource Constrained Schedule - without Interruptions


02. Made Resource links to real link (cancel Resource Link Flag)

03. Financial Constrained Schedule (only) - with Interruptions


04. Resource Constrained Schedule - without Interruptions, but From the first day when I have resource Overallocation. This is my final schedule since I have the Minimum Duration for Resource Leveling and Minimum Duration for Financial Leveling.

free image upload service

The problem is that in this particular case the Financial Constraint was on the last Milestone. If if was on the second milestone I would have had to repeat steps 02-04 for the next 3 milesones. A time consuming iterrative process.

Another problem is that  in large schedules the user cannot easily determine if the activity is Interupted because of Resource leveling or Financial Leveling or Material Leveling.

From this problem came the ideea to create option for Interruptions: Resource, Material, Financial. Basically adding this option would restrict the Interruption of activities only for a certain type of leveling and the user cand run all 3 levelings at the same time.

What do you think?

Below are links to the files from the images.

Best regards,Bogdan


I don't understand your idea and what do you want to achieve.

Resource constrained schedule will delay activities due to resource constraints.

Financial constrained schedule will remove these delays and will create other delays.

What information will you obtain comparing these schedules?

If in the resource constrained schedule the funding is not sufficient it makes sense to check what delays will be created by limited funding.

I suggest to try this:

1) Calculate resource constrained schedule (without interruptions) creating resource dependencies and save it.

2) Make resource dependencies real.

3) Calculate cost constrained schedule (with interruptions if you want).

4) Compare these schedules to see what delays were caused by limited funding only.

Let me know if I did not understand the task properly.

Rafael Davila
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Consider showing FLEX


no splits but Flex will provide the information in a single view as follows

adjust schedule using available activity flex: you can split the activities if want to start earlier those activities with start flex