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Activity status in Spider

3 replies [Last post]
Evgeny Z.
User offline. Last seen 1 year 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear all,

I just noticed, that there is no such activity field as activity status in Spider. Such field is normally available in other tools.

E.g: In MS Project:

·         Complete

·         Future Task

·         On schedule

·         Late

 In Primavera

·         Not Started

·         In Progress

·         Complete

I am sure, there is a reason for it, but just wondering how Spider deals with the absence of activity status.

E.g, how would I filter activities, which are “in progress ” ?


Evgeny Z.
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Vladimir, Rafael,

OK, thanks. Understatood. One needs to look at the presence of Actual Start and Actual finish.

Activity in progress has Actual Start, Actual Duration, Actual Volume. It does not have Actual Finish and its Remaining Duration and Remaining Volume are positive.

You may select which combination of conditions to use for filtering Activity Gantt Chart or Activity Table to get all in progress activities.

Not started activity does not have Actual Start.

Complete Activities have Actual Finish.

On schedule and Late activities can be determined and filtered after comparison of the curent version with the baseline or any other project version. Spider Project shows the difference of any data. And looking at the differences you will not only see if an activity is on schedule or late but also if activity duration was larger or smaller than expected, if activity cost was larger or smaller, etc. The data deviations between any two versions will be calculated and shown.

Rafael showed what to do if you need such fields.

Rafael Davila
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Just use a user defined field and a simple formula.  

If you want to get the statistics just export Activity Table from Activity Gantt to Excel and use COUNTIF formula.  You can add these statistics to the Statistics Report Document with simple copy-paste.

 photo Status04_zpsrkjvvc5d.jpg

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