I am creating a sample schedule for the Management of Bulk Deliveries. The model shall look for optimal re-assignment of all future deliveries when missed deliveries happen. The re-assignment shall consider all constraints and shall not depend on manual adjustments.
Trucks are Spatial Resources.
Trucks/Drivers have their individual calendars.
Trucks/Drivers have their particular set of skills [delivery routes they can service].
Delivery Route Steps:
- Delivery Start linked to successor Delivery Start by time lag
- Truck from home base to loading base
- Truck loading at filling station
- Deliveries
Delivery steps/activities have their particular calendars and work hours.
Individual delivery steps shall be performed within same day.
Not all delivery steps need to be on same day.
There is a limited number of Trucks.
There is a limited number of filling stations.
I will be posting my images, files and questions regarding this schedule.
Thank you.
The green rectangle represents the equipment yard where all trucks will be parked during the night. In case of a multiple deliveries route that cannot be finished within the same day the truck will make next delivery(es) next day.