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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

Newbie but not so inexperienced

5 replies [Last post]
Marc De Vall
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Hi guys,and particularly to you stephen,i myself am trying to break into planning,and had some good advice off some guys on here,ive had 28 yr experience on the tools so to speak,on construction sites and rail infrastructure,even some health/safety side,and possession planning,i am also currently self funding a project management course and also after xmas either p3/6 or asta powerproject course,so if anyone wants to give me a chance,please feel free to contact me,if not i will keep plugging away,so all you hopefulls,good luck and keep persevering,cheers marc


James Griffiths
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Despite all my pontificating, my second sentence is grammatically incorrect. It should have read: "However, I trust, and hope you won’t take offence, that your CV and covering....”. As it stood, the statement was nonsensical.

Please kick me in the nuts. It just goes to show that we all cock it occasionally.

Marc De Vall
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Thanks james,

No offence taken, all comments and advice welcome.


James Griffiths
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Hi Marc,

It sounds as though you have a good "go-for-it" outlook, and I wish you the best of luck in your search. However, and I trust you won’t take offence, that your CV and covering letters/e-mails contain the appropriate capitals, apostrophes and full-stops. Accounting for the assumption that you are a fully-fledged member of the English-speaking fraternity, some recruiters may be upset if you use informal e-mail grammar.

Best regards.

Marc De Vall
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Hi Chris
Many thanks for your posting,yes i am determined,the way i look at it is if i dont go for it someone else will,but many thanks for tips,i will get in touch with ian
All the best,marc
Chris Oggham
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Hi Marc,

You’re obviously really keen to do this, however, considering the current economic climate, wouldn’t it be better to wait for a bit? I don’t mean getting your qualifications, I mean striking out on a new career path.

If you’re determined, then no doubt you’ve done all the usual things like getting your CV up to date and registering with recruiters in this country. If you need information on the recruitment situation, I’m sure that Ian Cowx who is a member of Planning Planet will be able to help.

If you don’t mind moving abroad, mind you that’s taking a real leap of faith at the moment, you could try this website Teleport My Job who may be able to help.

Best of luck

Chris Oggham