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Train now for P3e?

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Colin Cropley
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Primavera say they are going to phase out P3 & SureTrak (ST) and replace them in the next year or so with P3e "Lite", a product still in development.

Training is currently available for using P3e (but it costs quite a lot to have training), although not many jobs seem to be available for P3e or TeamPlay (IT superset of P3e with extra features), at least in Australia.

What do people think about training now for P3e and being early to look for the new jobs?


Alex Wong
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P3eLite is part of the initiation from a project originate in Australia (A development / implementation of P3e in Railway industry) - Due to the increasing demand of the product Primavera intension is to introduce P3e lite to not replace P3 but SureTrack instead" as I told by Primavera Aust. P3e, P3e/c and Teamplay is to replace P3 in long term. I been using the new version of both P3e/c and P3e, there are still improvement to be make. Some of it is already implemented in the next version releasted in May 04 (Australia)
Well! I am not a dealer or any sort but I really like the product of the Enterprise tools to manage a range of projects. In addition, with the web access to the project info, reporting become so easy. However, I strongly suggest to take the introduction 3 days course prior to set up the monster if your company is going to deploy its enterprise function (multi-user multi project multi level). It will help in the later stage if you want to set up the structure of the package properly.
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Please contact your local dealer. They can arrange the evaluation copy. You can search the dealer name from Primavera web site.
Forum Guest
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I not able to find the trial version of p3 or p3e can anybody please give me the link or explain the ways to obtain it
I will really appreciate the help
Katalin Hovanyi
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Haliho Bill,
Sorry, I havent got special P3e sources. The Primavera site contains the name of the local dealers. Ask yours (or the nearest) for a demo version. As far as a know it is a full version but the demo licence will expire in a few month time and the CD contains a lot of additional information (mostly advertisements) but to get the feeling, learn the new screens and find out the possibilities it is good enough.
Good Luck
Bill Mason
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Hi Katalin,

Can you advise me on where I can obtain an evalution copy of P3e from?

Regards, Bill.
Katalin Hovanyi
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Hi Colin,
Ive got a demo version for P3e/c. I think You can "learn it" using a demo version if You know what You want to find or do. For example You can find out how to load a P3 file into the new format and do it in half an hour or less. I think they left out the leveling function from this version but Im only playing with the demo in my free time. About the "timing" the transfer. I read more and more job description mentioning both P3 and P3e knowledge as a requirement. My suggestion ask for a demo and start learning.