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Is there work for hopeful newbies

5 replies [Last post]
Marc De Vall
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Hi everyone
Posting a new thread after a year or so of being a member on here wondering if work is around for newbies like me to the planning industry,i came on here a year or so ago asking for help trying to break into planning.I have spent most of my 30 working years in construction (starting as manual working)and rail again manual working then progressing into possession planning and some p3 planning and decided i really enjoyed planning and wanted to progress it into a career,people advised me to get more experience which i have,a course in project management,IOSH,self studied P3 which i brought,so now i just want a chance to work,i do not mind starting at the vey bottom just wondered what else to do?cheers and sorry for rambling lol


Nolan Prime
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I saw this vacant job on the net. They are looking for many planner and scheduler and the pay is really good! Heres the contact

Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Marc,


I found this job posting that you might find interesting:

With kind regards,


Marc De Vall
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Gary and sameer many thanks for your replies.
Thank you for saying you would give me an interview if you were recruiting gary that always give a sparkle of hope,i understand what you are saying about "old dogs new tricks" but i am keen to learn and somehow need to put this across to prospective employers,im hoping by showing i have self funded my learning shows im not adverse to learning even with my years of experience.
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Hi Marc,

I saw your CV around a year ago, and If I was recruiting for a junior planner in rail, I’d certainly give you an interview. I passed your CV onto some colleagues in rail at the time, but unfortunately none of them were recruiting.

The (general UK) market seems tough out there at the moment, particularly for hopeful newbies as intermediate planners are applying for more junior roles and squeezing out the new blood, but I would have thought your extensive site-based experience would give you a natural advantage.

Have you had any feedback from previous applications / interviews? The only thing I can think off is you may be suffering from the "you can’t teach old dogs new tricks" mentality
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Marc,

I remember someone talking about Rail in the past but I am not sure if it is you or not. Plenty of Rail projects are going on in the Middle East, I would recommend that you check the British Companies are working in the region, if you are interested in working overseas.

With kind regards,
