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Planning Career Structures and Competency Models

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Guy Hindley
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Really two comments/ questions:
1. I am currently investigating models of Planning Career structures. This is to help my employer develop and retain the best planners. Does anyboy have examples of career progression paths for planners? How does one make the moves, in fact what are the moves to get from say "trainee planner" to "Chief Planner"?

As part of the process of having career progression within a Planning community do any competetency profiles exist for Planners. I am familiar with the UK based APM Project Mgt competency models, but they are too general for Planners. I am sometimes told to look at CMMI processes, but cannot find anything - can any members of Planning Planet help please?
Thank you Guy


Jaco Stadler
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If Memmory serve correct the NVQ system has different lvls (Example lvl 1 to lvl 4)

As you have mentioned this works on assesment.

For Training purposes I would suggest AACEI. The seem to be very good and they even have online training.

What I do find usefull on their webpage is a Chart which shows the Variances Between Scheduling & Planning. (This is on the webpage as mentioned below it is part of the exam enrolment form) I think this is a usefull tool (Guide). I Even think if you put your mind to it you can use this for a training program / Lvl os Planners the reason this contains all information regarding Planning & Scheduling.


Guy Hindley
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Thank you all for your comments.

Yes the CMMI is the USA one out of the software world. I however understand that the approach it takes to software development is also being used/ trialled elsewhere, outside of the software development world. I am aware of the CMMI approach to Project Mgt capability maturity models and wondered if it had been applied to Planning career structures yet?

I am aware of NVQ’s. Although they can be useful in assessing competence I am not aware of them being used to help develop Planning Career frameworks - unless you can tell me different.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my original question and also the time to give your considered responses.
Keep Planning - Guy
Jaco Stadler
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Try NVQ in the UK. (The have their lvl)
Erik Jonker
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Hi Guy,

The problem that you are trying to observe and control is multifunctional, what you need to do is the following:
1. You need people with experience.
2. You need to train them in the correct software
3. You need to find the correct trainers

The problem is that planning is a unique subject. not everybody understands it. You get a different type of planner for every different type of person. Project management is a field with rules and guidelines. Planning is like art, very subjective/ objective. It lies in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes excellent planners are fired because their presentation/ view are not aligned with the powers that be.

If you use art as an example you’re masters are normally either progressive, masters of details or creators of beauty. You cannot create a system for evaluating art or planning. Each style has to be evaluated in its own right. What works for one peron might not work for another.

It boils down to savvy.

Alan Chadwick
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CMMi...Capability Maturity Model Integration....if this is what you are refering to it has absolutley nothing to do with career develepment.

It deals with the maturity of software houses with regards to processes used in software development, level 1 being total shower of s***, level 5 having all process working, function point analysis, process improvment capture etc in place.