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Project Cash Flow

4 replies [Last post]
Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 2 days 23 hours ago. Offline

Hello Everyone,

I was thinking about Cash Flow of a project. Lets consider "Buling Construction". so when doing a cash flow what items should be included.I have listed down few over here. Please let US know if anything else should also be considered.

Project Management Manpower - Project Manager, Planning Eng, Doc Control, Adminsitrator, Procurement Manager etc.

Engineering Manpower - Engineering Manager, Dicipline Lead Engineers, Draftsman etc

Procurement - All the material for the project like Concrete, Blocks, Tiles, Lamps, Switch etc

Construction Management : Indirect - Construction Manager, Supervisors etc

Construction Manpower : Direct - Foreman, MAson, Steel fixer , helper etc

Equipments - All the equipment used to construct  - Backhow Loader , Crane , Generator etc

Transportation - Bus , Pickup etc to transport the manpower to Site

Fuel - Fuel for equipment and transportation

Site Running Cost - Tea, Coffee, Cold Drink, Printer, Generator for running office cabin, Computer.

Petty Cash - Some amount per month for taking care of very small expense at site.





Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 2 days 23 hours ago. Offline

Yes Right. If we have Subcontractor there monthly invoice would be consideed in Cash Outflow.

But in General you are the Contractor (You have the Manpower to do all the work - No Subcontractor is needed).

So if Contractor were to plot a Cash Flow what all things would you consider in the Cash Outflow apart from what has been listed down.


Warm Regards


Elvin Akhundov
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The same is applicable for cash outflow. If you have subcontractors.

Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 2 days 23 hours ago. Offline

Hi Elvin,

Yes that would be recorded as Cash Inflow like - Invoice Amount, Advance Payment Incoming, Advance Payment Decution from Invoice, Deduction of Retention and Incoming of Retention everything as per the Contract.


But for Cash Outflow can you mention something which has not been listed in the First Post.




Elvin Akhundov
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I'd say main things here are: advance payment %, retention and recovery of advance payment terms.