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Who is your dream leader and Why??????

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General MacArthur.

He was the inspiration of the Filipinos to fight the Japanese until his return. General MacArthur promise was "I SHALL RETURN". Indeed, he returned and liberated the Philippines from the Japanese.

Everyone needs a leader.


Successful Project Management Consultant


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I like your post.

Having a soft heart needs basic philosophy in project team relationship.

As project manager with soft heart it is also important to remember the three "3" F


It is really hard to balance and please anyone, but we have to make decision to move on.

With regards to women leaders, i hope Hillary will make it as President of US of A. It will be there first lady president.

My expectation from her if ever she will be elected is for US of A to stop making wars whatever alibi. But, on the other hand, if it will be thrust upon her and she have no choice, I wish her all the best in her decisions.

I also agree with you regarding Margaret Tatcher, great leader. And the Argentines should be grateful on what she did.

Carmen Arape
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Having a soft hearted project manager would give me an opportunity to advise you on schedule matters. With a hard hearted project manager, the challenge would be changing him to soft hearted. BUT with project managers without hearts there is no challenge.

Fully agree with you regarding female thinking differently. BUT if it is so, why are there not more women in project teams. I hope that you as consultant will advise on this matter at the moment of defining project organization.

I agreed with Clive’s dream Leader: Margaret Tatcher: the Argentineans are very grateful to her. WHY ??, thanks to this war, they were able to get rid of the armed forces from government.

Women leaders (after Tatcher)

Angela Merkel (Germany), Michelle Bachelet (Chile), Cristina Kirchner (Argentina), Hillary Clinton –may be (USA ). With these women in power, I believe the world would start to understand that women get things done.

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You are always welcome to share your thoughts.

No need for apology.

I always have a soft heart to Venezuelan woman. I have not meet one, but, I always saw them in television, Miss Universe Contest.

Yes, we need your idea to cool down the atmosphere and for a change.

Why??????? because ladies think differentlly

And in planning planet, it is very seldom to encounter ideas from the ladies.


Carmen Arape
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They are NOT my dream leaders BUT they are LEADERS.


He is an example of a leader using his charisma for doing all the unthinkable atrocities. I do not need to mention any because we all know what I am talking about.

Chavez (Venezuelan President),

Another example of leadership leading to hatred among Venezuelans in the name of the poorest.

Both leaders, different time, continent and societies BUT same goal : hatred among human being.

Successful Project management Consultant,

Sorry if I changed the idea of your thread


Clive Randall
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I dont think the Falklands was her greatest hour

It was her forward planning ahead of the miners strike, that to me was the epitomy of stategic planning with a focussed goal carried out with ruthless disregard for anything except success.
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The Iron Lady is a great leader.

She did show leadership when the Generals from Argentina Invaded the Fakland Island.

She did not hesitate to throw the very best of UK including the SAS to retake the island.

In the Newsweek Magazine sometimes in the 1980 the caption is very clear "THE EMPIRE STRIKe BACK".

Chris Oggham
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The Iron Lady. Possibly the Iron Duke as well? After all Wellington successfully made the transition from General to Prime Minister and was successful in politics (proving I suppose that he was capable of really dirty fighting).
Clive Randall
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Margaret Thatcher

Who could say in such a male dominated bastion as British politics
"If you want to talk about it ask a man, if you want it done ask a woman"

A fine woman
Chris Oggham
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I think you could well have a point there. As for Charlie and his admiration for Douglas MacArthur, he’s quite right, MacArthur did say that he would return, and he did. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Wendell Fertig had over the course of two-and-a-half years built USFIP (United States Forces in the Philippines).

This proved to be an extremely effective fighting force which, when MacArthur finally got back to the Philippines numbered over 30,000 effectives and included a military band!

Starting from nothing, Fertig built the force using his leadership skills, but his management skills kept it armed, fed and operating.

Chris Oggham
Jerome Atkin
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The best leader in the world is your MUM.

She feeds you when you are unable, cleans you when you are unable.
when you grow up she Kicks your arse out the door when you are unable !!

Yep she one hell of a woman !!