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Project Manager vs Scheduler - who to do what?

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Philip Tricon
User offline. Last seen 8 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Mar 2012
Posts: 3

Who should take the initiative of ensuring there is a proper schedule in a project, is it a scheduler or a project manager?

Who should provide information that needs to be fed in a schedule, is it the PM or the scheduler through reading all project documentation (scope, timelines - whichare normally overall etc.) in a project and preparing a schedule?

Imagine a scenerio where the you take the initiative and ask the PM to provide information and he/she provides information such as Design - 6 months, Construction 3 years, Defects Liability Period - 1 year, and expects you to use only this information to prepare a schedule, what wise action will you take?

In case of any changes in the project, maybe resource or time changes, should the PM take the initiative to inform the scheduler or its always the work of the scheduler to look for information from PM?

Maybeif you have ever experienced a problem where PM wants you to do everything without them providing proper and accurate information you can share with us and what you eventually did to resolve this problem.