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Project management

4 replies [Last post]
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Dear all,
For most organizations, the largest investments they make take the form of a project, yet most projects fail to achieve their objectives and get their return on investment. Failed projects can damage an organizations value and ruin careers. The most often cited reason for success or failure of major initiatives is Project Management.



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And your point is....?
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific (and usually) one-time effort, for example, construct a building or implement a new computer system. Project management includes developing a project plan, which includes defining project goals and objectives, specifying tasks or how goals will be achieved, what resources are need, and associating budgets and timelines for completion. It also includes implementing the project plan, along with careful controls to stay on the "critical path", that is, to ensure the plan is being managed according to plan. Project management usually follows major phases (with various titles for these phases), including feasibility study, project planning, implementation, evaluation and support/maintenance. (Program planning is usually of a broader scope than project planning, but not always.)

User offline. Last seen 4 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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Project management is a term invole process, human, etc...
Pin point "project management" is...
(i think it is excuse)
Mark Lomas
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... and your question is what ? Or did you intend to start a debate on the pros and cons of PM and Project Managers ?