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Excel help site

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rita wilson
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There seem to be a lot of questions asked in this group about Excel. Is there any centralized place with Excel tips or QandA specific to our line of work?

If not, does anyone else think there needs to be?


Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
You can try the Microsoft Resource Kit in
Ian Gray
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There are a few hundred great sites out there for Excel questions...
But My two favourties are:
This is a list/archive type site for all questions, mainly focussing on Visual Basic behind excel and complex/difficult problems and solutions
My all time favourite site for Microsoft Access! But it does have quite a good Excel forum, with a couple of certified excel experts that always seem to be waiting to answer questions. Bloody great site!
Bernard Ertl
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Hi Rita, welcome to the Planning Planet!

Excel is a nifty program with many uses. I am not aware of any comprehensive site dedicated to Excel with a focus on general project management.

However, there are several project management systems (programs) developed specifically for Excel. Ive catalogued quite a few of them on the Project Management Software Directory.

I think that has some Excel templates available for download for various project management related issues.

Also, most project management software offer data import / export facilities with some Excel compatibility. Most of the questions I see here at the Planning Planet regarding Excel are focused on its use in conjunction with P3. AFAIK, these questions are almost always answered by our members.

I think that adding a search function to the Planning Planet would be sufficient.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software