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Assigning resource at WBS level

4 replies [Last post]
Volkan Küçükgöze
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I started using primavera 2 weeks ago and i am supposed to convert an .MPP file to Primavera 6.(I cant just import it because while trying to import MS Project gives an error saying "Microsoft Project does not support saving projects into ODBC, MPD or MDB formats.")

While it was possible to assign a resource at WBS level using MS Project, i cant do that in Primavera. Is there a way to assign resources at WBS level ?

What i am trying to do is:


Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

All of those activities use the same resource(which is a crane for this case). They start and end at different times but most of the time activity dates overlap each other. If i assign the resource to them individually i will get a far more budgeted labor unit count than i would actually need. Is there any way to solve this problem? Adding another activity starting at the earliest activity start date and finishing at the lastest activity finish date would actually solve half of my problem but it will complicate the report a little.


Volkan Küçükgöze
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I dont know the version of the program to be honest. It was already installed on the computer. All i know is its P6 :)

I am using WBS indented to level 4 and activity codes indented to level 2 in this order.

Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Volcan

Are you using P6 7 ? 

Are you using the WBS structure? Or are you using activity codes. This may make all the difference.

I shall send you some screen shots on monday.



Volkan Küçükgöze
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Thanks for the reply Johannes but i seem to have a problem with WBS summary. It doesnt set the dates automatically. I need to fill the details like i would for any other activity.

What i did was to make a Level of Effort activity and make it SS relationship with the earliest activity and FF relationship with the latest. The only problem i have with this is that if there is time between activites where there is no work, i get more units than normal.

Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Volkan

Primavera has introduced in P6  a new activity type. This is called "WBS summary type". This what i use to distribute the cost as you explained in your post. So this is what you can do:

  • Make a new activity just under the WBS
  • Make this activity type "WBS summary"
  • This activity shall automatically start at the earliest date within the underlying WBS and automatically finish at the latest date.
  • In this summary activity you can add the required resources.
  • In your case i should not use the resources but should use the "expenses" tab and allocate the applicable cost code to match your financial system. 


  •          WBS Summary for WBS 1---------Crane costs-------
  •          Activity 1
  •                              Activity 2
  •                                          Activity 3
  •                                                                Activity 4

