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In Primavera P6, how to get Numeric Dates in Timescale Setting Week/Day1

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Zafar Iqbal
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By Default, In Primavera P6, we get Mon, Tue, Wed, Thr, etc for Timescale setting Week/Day1 (Under Option “Show Primary Dates”). How to get numeric date value in this week/day1 setting like 7,8,9, 10 of May or June, etc?

If we use Option “Show Ordinal Dates”, we get continuous days from DD = Data Date or  CD = Current Date, etc which are negative values before DD or CD. This option does not fulfill my need. Please help in this matter. Thanks in advance.


Sunil Babu
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Hi Zafar,

Try ordinal dates.

Best Regards,


Zoltan Palffy
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Why doesnt ordinal dates fill your need what is it that you are trying to display ?

Biswaranjan Beher...
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Numeric Formatting Issue, while getting monthly cost report from Primavera Version 7 to excel sheet, numeric value is coming in two cells, it should come in one cell of excel sheet.

How to resolve this problem in Primavera Version 7.0.

Biswaranjan Beher...
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 Can any one help me out on this issue, while getting monthly cost report from Primavera Version 7 to excel sheet, numeric value is coming in two cells, it should be coming in one cell of excel sheet.

How to resolve this problem in Primavera Version 7.0.

Berker Colakoglu
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Sorry i misunderstood, couldn't find a way for it.

Geoffrey Narlee
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This "ordinal" selection makes the day numbers run past the number of days in a month.

Berker Colakoglu
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Right Click to Timescale, select three lines format so you will be able to show both ordinal and primary dates.Select month/week from primary dates and select ordinal date interval to day.

Hope i understood you true.

Geoffrey Narlee
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Raymond. I'm not following you. I also cannot get the Timescale to show the Week Of/Calendar Day.

Raymund de Laza
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Use the Day/Shift and manage the view with sight lines.