I think I am having a mental block, but cannot seem to understand how to solve it.
I have got a level of effort activity spanning a duration of approximately 13 months. I have assigned an expense resource to where I budgeted in values based on the documentation I have the distribution is lsimilar to:
November 30k
December 22k
January 0
February 235K
March 300K
Level of effort task is set to Duration % Complete and Fixed Duration and Units.
WBS has box "use resource curves / future period buckets" ticked and ETC computing technique is set as PF=1.
I have tried different combinations of these settings, but with no luck.
When Scheduling a a project I get PV of 52K (Correct) and EV of 94K.
When I ran an ETC report it shows values spread evenly for the duration of activity. So instead of 535K till the end of Financial Year I get a figure of over 1M
How can I get PV and EV to be calculated from Future Periods and ETC to show same story?