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Problem when creating the baseline of the project

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John Drokovic
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After creating the baseline of the schedule, I have generated a variance report of the current schedule against the baseline. I can see some variances on some activities, especially on activities that have some progress. Also, I can see the difference on the Gannt chart (they are supposed to be the same bar -plan vs current- after creating the baseline of the project, but they aren't, especially the ones that have some progress). Anyone knows why this is happening? Thank you in advance.



Rodolfo Kurek
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Hi Uzair,

As far as I know there is no limit of BLs for a project. Baseline are just a snaphoot of the project at certain stage, and can also be used as a backup when you need to reestore a file. The only limit for baselines is to display on grant chart, where there is a limit of 3 baselines. I use this feature to visualize the slippage.

I hope it helps.


Rodolfo Kurek

uZair k
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Hello room, 

I have a query about BL's and i request any one to please sort me out, i am a beginner in primavera and new to this forum.

As soon as all the activities have been added to any programme; I first save the programme using current project BL

Then I update the project (all the activities) and schedule it ; say after  month 1 to check the new finish date or end date or anyother thing, I then save this as my primary BL B1 which has new finish dates of the activities


Again when i update the project and schedule it; say after month 2 to get the new finish date,I save this as my secondary BL B2

 I repeat the same procedure for  BL B3


My confusions are

1. Can we use infinite number of BL’s in a project ? if yes ; then how can we do it ?


2.  My understandings is that,  BL  saves a copy of  the project duration( all activities). When these activities are updated ; when they run past the planned finish  date then upon saving the copy of the programme using BL1 or BL2 or ... whichever; the new BL’s should match the new finish date of  the activity in the gant chart ( the length of the BL1 bar should match with the updated  new finish date of an activity and it should NOT match the project BL and so on with BL2 to BL1, BL3 to BL2)  Am i right here ?



Richard Rowberry
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It sounds like either;

i) the Baseline isn't attached

ii) It is attached as a Project Baseline but the default Baseline bar option is Primary. If Primary is ticked in the Gantt Bar dialogue box, then in the Assign Baseline box, the selection is probably <current project>. If this is the case, then the baseline bars will be picking up the current plan's Planned Start and Planned Finish dates, which will be different than the Early Start and Early Finish Dates (this will be due to a Baseline being taken on a progressed plan, where your Early Start/ Finish Dates will have gone out of step with your Planned Start and Finish Dates).


My advice would be to configure the Baseline Bar to show Project Baseline, rather than Primary in the Gantt Chart

A very good presentation on this matter is covered in Paul Harris's topic "What Primavera P6 Baseline Bars am I displaying"

