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Deleting a project from Primavera Database

4 replies [Last post]
Ajith Janardhanan
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We three are working in Primavera V6.7, sharing a common database. when i try to delete an existing project, it is showing other user is working on the same file, though it is closed. So i am not able to delete. how to fix this problem...? If anyone got reply please do... thanks in advance.


Ajith Janrdhanan, PMP, PMI - SP




Yazmir Yusof
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i accidentally delete my primavera can i recover back the deleted file?

Ajith Janardhanan
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Hi Johannes,

Thank you very much for your quick reply. But we all three are in " Admin Superuser " Category in Global profile.

Ajith Janardhanan
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Hi Johannes,

Thank you very much for your quick reply. But we all three are in " Admin Superuser " Category in Global profile.

Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Ajith

In most cases only the administrator or the super user has the rights to delete projects from the database.
