This is a great resource you are putting together here. I'm hoping someone can give me a bit of insight into an issue with P6.2 I'm currently having.
I'm attempting to analyse a series of very large schedules and have used the multiple float path scheduler to help me identify the near critical paths. When I Group/Sort the activities by "Float Path" however, the summary rows in the activity table are returning some values for Total Float that I do not understand.
I have for example in my 1st near critical path a short chain of 4 activities, each with a Total Float of 5 hours. I would have expected the Summary to have displayed the minimum value of the set of Total Floats, however it is instead displaying 0 hours Total Float.
Similarly in my 2nd nearest critical path I have 6 activities, each with a TF of 14h. Yet the summary displays 10h.
I'm unfortunately going to have to explain these values and the calculations behind them to management and I'm at a bit of a loss as to what is going on.
This schedule does use an unfortunate number of calendars which I understand P6 does not cope very well with, however I'm not clear on how this would result in the figures I am seeing.
Help! :)