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Resourse loading

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Arun Vasanth
User offline. Last seen 5 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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Groups: GPC Qatar
Dear Friends In the base program I have an activity of Floor Slab Casting I have given the activity duration as 7 days and the calendor used is 7 day calendor . For resouse loading I have to use Materials & Labour & Non labour (Machineries) Labor Shuttering carpentor 2 Shifts 6am to 6pm and 6 pm to 6 am otal 40 Shuttering carpentor for 24 Hrs 12 fr shift 1 and 12 for shift 2 Total area say 1000 m2 Please guide me resourse loading for this activity.. Regards Arun


Rafael Davila
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Be careful with the use of the 60's checkerboard pattern, in the 70's it came out not to be recommended anymore and today even long narrow strips with saw cuts in a single direction is not recommended for super-flat floors.

About the scheduling this operation, concrete pouring is a true continuous feed operation that requires ladder of activities that feed to one another, therefore a change on feeding rate on any ladder rung affects the feeding range of the others.

For simplicity simple ladder can be assumed as there is no single best model but relative advantages, be practical.

Depending on the granularity required this activity we schedule as a single activity and use partial assignments for resource loading as not all resources will be working during the whole duration of the activity. If your software does not provide for transparent partial assignment of resources then you will need to use ladders as to allocate resources to their timing as required by the operation. Use of discrete activities without ladder activities would be wrong modeling proposed by those who does not understand the concept of continuous feed.

Even on operations that are not truly of continuous feed character the use of ladder might be less far from reality than the use of discrete activities with FS links only.

  1. Set screeds.
  2. Place concrete.
  3. Screed concrete.
  4. Stike-off and consolidation
  5. Floating
  6. Straight Edging
  7. Sread dry shake materils such as floor hardener, color minerals, or any other if required.
  8. Flatnest testing
  9. Curing

But this is too much granularity. On the other hand a single 7 days continuous operation seems like a summary bar or perhaps we misunderstood. Are you referring to concrete pouring only or to a sequence that starts from formwork, reinforcing steel .... and ending on concrete pouring? The last is very common in our planning and finally with the availability of partial assigments we can do resource loading that makes sense.

Because the scheduler shall adapt to the true planning needs and not otherwise, depending on your particular job it might be appropriate as long as your software allows you to plan your resources accordingly, as with the case of using partial assignments that will disclose true resource allocation allowing for some resources to be shared with other activities.



Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 13 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Posts: 4420

Hi Arun

I am assuming this is a ground slab .. .

This is a common problem when using multi trade tasks.

You will have to break the task down to smaller tasks for individual trades then link it FS.

The appropriate resources can then be allocated accurately.

with a 1000m2 slab you will have to break it down into bays - follow the construction joints and pour chequer pattern.

Best regards

Mike Testro