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Labor and non labor resourses

5 replies [Last post]
mariya Mariya
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Is there a way to replace labor resource with nonlabor globaly? I’ve got a bunch of equimpment assigned as labour.


Kannan I
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Hi Maria

Please go through the following procedure.

For example Labor resource ’L’ and you want to replace by Non labor resource ’N’ with same units. So create one user defined field ’X’ in ’Activity resource assignment’ window.

Go to the global change
1. Where ’Resource ID Name’ equals ’L’
then ’X’ equlas ’Remaining Units/time’
For using this global change, we stored the Labor resource units into the userdefined field. Aplly and Save this changes

Secind Global change
2. Where ’Resource ID Name’ equals ’L’
then ’Resource ID Name’ equals ’N’
and ’Remaining Units/Time’ equlas ’X’
Apply the changes hope this will change the resource assignment.

Arnold Puy
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Hi Mariya,

You are correct. P6 does not allow you to change the resource type. Why don’t you try to apply my steps. I used to apply these steps every time I want to change my resource type and it works perfect to me. Otherwise, send a copy of .xer file and I’ll try to fix it for you.



mariya Mariya
User offline. Last seen 13 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 6
Hello all!
Thank you for advises :-)
P6 does not allow to change resource type if the resource is already assigned to activity.Tried it.
And I’ve got wrong resource type assigned to activities in several projects across entire data base, and when I restore archive projects P6 brings wrong resource back to dictionary (:-
Arnold Puy
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Hi Mariya,

Welcome to Planning Planet.

Unfortunately, you can’t replace resource type using global change.

Try the following steps:

1. Create a new resource with resource type "Nonlabor".
2. Assign the newly created resource to your activities or if not, you can just simply export the resources to excel and simply change the "Resource ID" with the newly created resource.
3. when done, export it back to Primavera.


Anbin Ponnith
User offline. Last seen 8 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear Mariya,

In the Resource tab. Filter for all resources.

In column area make display Resource type.

Now change only the first resource as non-Labor.After which select the number of resources you need using Shift-select and use the option fill down.All the resources selected changes to non labor.


Anbin Ponnith