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Adding Same Resource more than once

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Planning guy
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how are you guys.

I am facing one problem.

I want to assign same resource more than once in one activity.

e.g there are 20 Labors in one activity ( 100 dollar / day/ labor) . how to assign this 20 Labor to single activity.

Kindly help.



Planning guy
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ya i am new thanks for sharing.........

AB Timo
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I think you are new in primavera.Follow this

No Adding process is different it is added in Remaining units/time

in this case..20*No of Hrz pr day and Write it in REmaining unit pr time


20 Labors are working at 8 Hrz a day the 20*8=160

write 160 in Remaining hrz/day..Budgeted will be calculated auromatically


I think its clear now?

Planning guy
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Ya i know this is planned units , but where to input it in "Budgeted units"... in resource tabs...?

AB Timo
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No Thesee are Planned.Actual will be added after the activity Starts.

Planning guy
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Will it be the "Actual units" = 100 ...?/

AB Timo
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First Add Resource in Resource window

Return to Activity Window and click on activity to which u want to assign resource.

Click on Resource Tab... and Assign..then right the unit (in your case 20*5=100)

Planning guy
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how to input it in P6.??

AB Timo
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20 * No.of  days


For example,you have an activity where 20 labors will work for 5 days
