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How to Export Activity Informations (i.e. AS, AF, %comp) from a Programme to another typical Programme using P6 ?

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david balaba
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Hi All,


I'm currently doing Delay Analysis  using P6 software and having issues with the functions/buttons in P6. Ive been using P6 only for some months but i've grown for years in planning and schedulling using P3 software.

To simply illustrate my problem, i would lay some parameters.

1. Programme A (baseline programme)

2. Programme B (as-built programme / updated programme)

3. Programme C (Impacted as Planned Programme, a consolidation of infos from Programme A and B)

4. Programme A, B and C are typical Programmes with typicall Activity IDs. Activities are: A1, A2, upto A100


Now, using P6 software, my problem is I wanna Extract informations (i.e. AS, AF, % Complete) from Programme B's A10 to A20 ONLY and export these Informations to Programme A to create Programme C.

So in overview, Programme C is the consolidated informations of Programme A's activities A1 to A9, A21 to A100 AND Programme B's activites A10 to A20. This is my method in order for me to create "Impacted As-Planned" Analysis, extracting the Delay Event Activities (which in this illustration is the A10 to A20 activities) and Impact the these activities (A10 to A20) to Programme A (considering that AS and AF are the same to as-planned/baseline of the activities A1 to A9, A21 to A100) in order to determine the Impact of the Delay Event to the over-all Project duration.

I hope my illustration to my problem can be well understood.

This procedure of exporting informations from one programme to typicall programme is PEANUTS for me in P3 software. In P3 software, i will just use the "Send Mail" and "Recieve Mail" functions. In P6 software, I have no idea how to do these methods since the "Send Mail" and "Recieve Mail" functions have been removed in P6. 

I'll be glad to hear from you guys and thanks in advance..


david balaba
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Anoon, I totally agree with you.. In my Understanding, "Delay Event" in some point in time may not have Impact to Over-all Project Completion. This Means the Path of the Delay Event may not be critical yet until sometime therefore the Path of the Delay Event has "floats" (1day, 2 day, 7day, 10days or more but still technically considered float). "Delay Event" does not necessary means a claim for EOT. For me, I raise 'Delay Event' notice to the Engineer or Client because of their failure to meet the schedule based on"EARLY START". It may not have Impact yet to the Project Completion Date if there are "floats" in the path but on the other hand my notice benifits all parties. The notice gives advice of what might happened in advance to the Employer if no actions will be taken and it protects also the Contractor from liabiliites. and Most of the Contracts require the Contractor to Submit Notice prior to submit EOT Claims and Cost Particulars.

If the Delay Event is directly impacting on the Critical Path which is Zero float, I don't understand why "Floats" are the roots of all troubles.

Delay Analysis may or may not be an easy task. There are so many methods and approaches in preparing Delay Analysis. And the reason I said it easy because its obviously easy and not that miticulous (in my opinion) to prepare "Impacted As Planned" Delay Analysis. Im sure many planners would totally agree with me..

In my opinion, Delay Analysis can not be that hard to prepare as long as:

1. Good Records of As-built datas 

2. records of updated programmes. as much as possible updated in a small interval period (i.e. weekly)

3. Logs and records of correspondeces between contractor, engineer and employer.

4. records of Actual Productivity Output (e.g. structural concreting, blockworks, formwork so and so) reports that have been submitted to engineer. 

5. QA/QC records, material delivery records

It's easy to work if you have records to work on. Delay Analysis is just a "Story Telling" of what happened/as-built and i believed it would be chaos and pain in the ass to prepare Delay Analysis w/o credible and good records. 

This is the side of my story. Other Planner may have other ways or totally different than mine and I dont consider them wrong and I'm right. In the end, what matters is Substanciating and Proving your Claims with a convincing evidences and back-up documents. My work may not be perfect but I leave it to Engineer's/Consultant's planner to perfect it for me at least they have something to work on.. hehehehehe..


regards, david

Anoon Iimos
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In my understanding all "Delay Event" involves "resources", may it be deliveries, mobilization, or lack of resources itself. Or maybe a simple issuance of notice to proceed (NTP). NTP if not issued, then you cannot expect contractors to mobilize, right?

The reason why I ask is because I believe that "Delay Analysis" is not an easy task. And again I guess that "Floats" are the roots of all these troubles (Schedule Impact Calculations).


david balaba
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Hi Anoon,

Acutally, currently I'm preparing Delay Analysis in P6 format, not that I wanted to do it in P6 but this has been the contractual requirement. I prepared P3 format Delay Analysis before, on my previous projects. 

Anyway, I think your question applies to all Programming Softwares. For Me, I'm not Doing "resource leveling" prior to delay analysis. The output of the delay analysis with or without "resource leveling" procedure is just the same. Because I'm only concerned if the Delay Event has made an Impact to Over All project Completion Date. 

You mentioned about the "floats", No - I'm not checking or bothered about "free float or total float".. For me, it's the job of the Software to do it for me. In the end it's the Impact to Over All Project Completion Date that Counts not the "floats" that have been consumed by the Delay Event. But there are some few contracts that are very strict with regards to "floats" in relations to Claims (EOT and Cost). Luckily, I haven't encountered that kind of Project/Contract. So, I may not be the right person to answer or discuss it for you.

This is just my opinion, subject to constructive criticism


Regrads, David

Anoon Iimos
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Hi David,

You stated that "preparing delay analysis in P3 is very easy (ABC) for you". Is that right? May I ask if you have considered (by any chance) "Floats" after "resource leveling" (using P3)?

I mean "free floats" and "total floats" which I guess vital for the so called "Delay Analysis".



david balaba
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Hi Mike,


Thanks for the reply..

Actually we have common concerns.. Though I'm very well oriented with P3, I don't want to work my programme in P3 then convert to P6, if P6 format is required for submission. I had a bad experience of Converting the Programmes from P3 to P6 vice versa.  As much as possible, I would work from scratch to finish on the same software and avoid conversion.

When I converted the programme from format to different format activity infos such as Start Dates, Finish Dates, % complete etc. were different from the original format and they had DIFFRENT PROJECT COMPLETION DATES. So I had to trace back again the CP and amend the dates so and so. Tracing the CP is easy but for a project/programme with 10,000+ activities, its disaster... Instead of making life easy, it got complicated. In my opinion, the reason there are issues with converting from P3 to P6 think it has something to do with the resources.

Since I don't have Astra software and no knowledge to operate astra, I think I have a better option and thanks to Paul Harris for opening the idea. This is how I'm going to do it.

1. Using P6, filter all the activities you want to extract infomation (AS, AF, % Comp. so and so) then copy paste their Activity IDs in excel.

2. Convert the 2 Typical Programmes (baseline and as-built/updated programme) to MS Excel format.

3. Filter the Activity ID's of Step2 programme. Activities that you want to amend or extract.

4. After filtering, Copy the Activity infos that you want to extract from the as-built programme

5. Paste the copied infos from Step4 in to the baseline programme. **Be cauitous and make sure that you have copy-pasted it to the Identical/the same Activity IDs.

6. after Step5, Import that amended file back to P6 format.

*Please note that Step3 to Step5 are in Excel environment.

I hope my procedure can be easily understood..

Any shorter procedure than this?? I'll be greateful for your suggestion.





Mike Testro
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Hi David

I am not saying that it can't be done in P6 - just that it takes much longer to do without the copy / paste facility.

I work in Asta PowerProject for all planning work and convert to P6 if the client requires it.

The conversion is not perfect because the calendars in P6 are less functional and you have to back and check that it is the same.

I would prefer not to submit a delay analysis at arbitration in anything other than Asta.

Best regards

Mike Testro

david balaba
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Hi Paul,


Thank you for the sharing those resources links..

I guess i'll take some time first reading your articles.


Im understanding what you mean now about doing the Import and Export of information in Excel. But I stumbled in my thoughts, how are you going to select particular information out from a number of activities (for example 1000 activities)? Because when you do Import and Export to Excel formal it does not filter SELECTED activities  but it Import and Export to Excel all activities in the Programme so you'll have to face the problem again of selecting and finding the activities that you want to extract the information.

Any method or trick to simplify this task?





david balaba
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Hi Mike,

Sorry if I wasn't able to reply back at this thread. I have been busy preparing our EOT claims interim submissions.

Anyway, Thanks for the input. So, what you are saying is that can't be done?? Preparing dalay analysis work in P3 is just an ABC to me and in P6, which is suppose to be an upgrade of P3, they are ommitting critical functions of it.

If you are saying you are using "Astra Powerproject", does that mean that your "baseline programme and updated programme" are in Astra format also? or you will just convert from Primavera format to Astra then back to Primaver.?





Gary Whitehead
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A very useful article -many thanks.

Paul Harris
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You need to be sure you are displaying the correct Baseline data as P6 is great at displaying the Baseline Planned Dates and not the Baseline early Start and Early Finish Dates as one would expect.

My article "What Baseline Bars am I Displaying" found under technicle articles on my websites explains these issues.

To get this data out of P6 you have to restore your Baseline P6 files and then either export and import to and from Excel or copy and paste the data.

Mike has hit the nail on the head, Asta has twice the functionality and is a lot less expensive than P6 and is alot simpler to do this type of work. 

Paul E Harris

Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia

Planning and Scheduling Training Manual & Book Publishers, Consulting and Training a Primavera scheduling software resources site

Mike Testro
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Hi David

I have deleted your redundant thread - thanks for the head up.

Your problem is a typical reason why I avoid P6 for delay analysis work - it is all too cumbersome.

I use Asta Powerproject where you can just copy and paste tasks and all relating data between programmes.

Having done the analysis I just convert it to P6 if that is what the client wants.

Best regards

Mike Testro

david balaba
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this is a repost from other forum. sorry if posted this on the wrong forum.