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P6 R8 Summarisation issues

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Roger Booth
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Eventually we have managed to get version 8 up and running both on client and web i.e. P6 Professional and P6 EPPM. It appears to be running smoothly at the moment. One of the issues I have found, is that when we have summarised all the projects, when we open up P6 Professional (which is what we use primarily) summarised data is not shown and you need to press F5 to refresh the database. In the previous versions, as soon as the database was opened it automatically showed summarised data. Have I missed a tick box somewhere or do we have to live with it or have Oracle got an enhancement in the pipeline.




mimoune djouallah
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we use the same procedure, I am a huge fan of excel, but i am even old fashioned then you actually, I just made a resource layout then I copy and paste in an excel sheet, all the rest is automatically updated, all those s curve and progress sheet report, now I am “playing” with the sdk, but I am kind of stuck, I can’t change the spread to financial period

Roger Booth
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We don't use either.

Yes they give very nice lookling charts and comparison graphs, but we download data into Excel and use traditional S Curve type graphs and such like for monitoring. Maybe a bit old fashioned but it still works.



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Hi Mimoune,

we have requested the Primavera Partners in Saudi for our new Client to Install R8, but they were quite hesistant to provide us the Implementation plan and giving excuse that it is still under testing and checking the bugs now. Most probably, we will get their final response by end of this month and Implementation may start soon.


Roger - Are you using P6 Analytics OR BI Publisher? Since, u hav hands-on experience now, which one wud u prefer to go for?


Roger Booth
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Finding the package OK. It is just another sheduling package that has been updated again. Being more serious, yes it works fine. It schedules , resource levels, produces reports, enables us to go about our planning business the same way that v6 or v7 allowed us to do. There are or have been some major issues in installing it, trying to get it to work, but the Oracle support desk eventually got us sorted. It certainly isn't an install that I would want to do by myself as the others have been. A more than average amount of computer knowledge is required in my opinion.

As for being away from the office, I know you are supposed to be able to use P6 web, but we still use v7 standalone on a laptop and export files using xer (Bit of a pain I know but it works). I am away next week and am going to try web access so will let you know rthen what it is like.

At one stage during the changeover I did think that we were attempting to update too soon and should have stuck with P6.7 but we persevered and got there in the end. Recommending P6 R8 to anyone would not be easy for me to do unless they have a reasonable IT support section. With hindsight I think we would have stuck where we were, but once we had started the changeover we were committed to it.

A standalone version of v8 might have been better for us but we will work with what we have installed.

You know what they say "You should never look where you have come from but always to where you are going"



mimoune djouallah
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Wow, that’s awesome, it is my first time that I read actually some body apart from oracle is using p6.8, what do you think about the whole package,  in case a planner from the company is somewhere without a reliable internet connection , how he could use the software ?

The funny thing, our primavera value partner ( I think it is called like that) has advise us not to move to revision 8, unless oracle release a fully functional standalone package, otherwise we will stick to p6.7 sp3



Mimoune Djouallah