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Storing Multiple Past Period Performance

3 replies [Last post]
Steve Gogarty
User offline. Last seen 9 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 6

Hi PP, hopefully someone can help or answer my question.

I have created a batch of Financial Periods for each week of 2011 (wk1 = 02/01/11 to 09/01/11 etc). But my company has multiple projects which are updated on differenet dates & have different duration intervals between updates. eg some projects are updated weekly on monday, whereas others are updated every 3 weeks.

Is it possible within P6 to store multiple past peroid performance figures over the same dates? So far I have only been able to store past peroid performance weekly. This causes an error for any project that has not been updated within that week.

If I de-select the non-updated projects from a financial period & store the data. When I next update & store the past peroid performance for originally de-selected projects, the past peroid performance data is only stored for one week rather than from the last stored past peroid performance date of that project.  

What I require is the ability to store individual projects past peroid performance date over numerous date ranges. These date ranges will overlap. Can this be done? or is there another work around?

Kind regards

Steve Gogarty


Rafael Davila
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What I mean is that granted the access to edit the data you shall be able at any time to enter or edit any period performance, any at any time , of any length. You shall be able to make any adjustments at any time for error correcting as well as for when you have the need you already described. Your need is not unusual, as a matter of fact I believe it to be common.

At some jobs we do not keep track of cost and resource performance but we cost and resource load the jobs to get a prediction of future needs for resources and cash flow, we still have the need to resource level the schedule. The prediction is still valid no matter if no, if partial or wrong cost and resource performance was entered.

From the following screen a way to edit period basic data such as start and end of period is displayed, if you select other tab then there you will be able to edit all other fields for your period performance. Not being able to edit your periods performance does not make any sense.

Edit Period Performance

If I can do that in Spider Project and see no why you cannot do it in P6.7 or any prior Primavera P6 version. If the issue is not your access settings then it shall be some other simple issue. Any user of P6 or P6.7 shall be able to give you the clue.

Good luck, I am sure you will find the solution to your problem.



Steve Gogarty
User offline. Last seen 9 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 6

Thanks for your input Rafael.

For your info I am using P6.7 & have admin superuser access.

From my understanding of your reply, In P6 you can define mutliple sepatre periods within a data range?

When I try & added financial peroids that overlap the following error meesage appears.

"The financial period timescale overlaps with an existing financail period. The financial period was not added."

From your reply I believe that the only way round this is to store the period performance of every project weekly & once the update has been completed (depending on the number of weeks between updates) manualy enter the actuals for each individual week that the project has covered since the last update? 

Anymore help or advise would be greatly appricated.

Kind regards

Steve Gogarty

Rafael Davila
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Posts: 5241


Of course you shall be able to edit multiple periods performance, even the most secure financial/accounting systems do provide for correction entries, errors do happen.

Perhaps the issue is that you are not granted access to edit these fields by the network administrator.

Although every software works on its own particular way there are similarities. Hope the following figure from Spider Project gives you a clue on one on few ways you can edit your performance archive. Try at the activity level and also at the performance archive database table. At times you can see some value but only on certain screens can be edited, this because of how the software handles the security profiles.

Multiple Period Performance

No matter the frequency of your updates you shall be able to define multiple separate period within the data range for those activities with multiple interruptions. By the same token you shall be able to define performance periods that span one or several updating periods such as when you update weekly schedule actuals for dates/duration to be able to run your schedule update and then on next week to update prior week costs, information that is usually lagging.

Partial or full overlap among performance periods shall be no issue, the same applies to any combination of cost codes.

Time is a continuous function not a step function, if your software cannot handle true concept of time and the distribution of performance as a continuum then consider a change, you got wrong mathematics, basic intermediate school math. no AP course required.

Best Regards,
