I have an issue when importing labour units to my schedule on a weekly basis via excel, I have collected the hours against activity IDs in the schedule and each week create a pivot table in excel. I then use the vlookup function in excel to populate the new actual hours in the import sheet and then import these to the programme and reschedule for the new week.
Everything works fine but I have noticed that P6 then changes the total amount of hours spent in the previous weeks in the activity usage profile.
e.g. say I have 5 weeks of data and I'm updating the 6th. If weeks 4 & 5 show values of 10k and 12k hours, after week 6 is imported and rescheduled these values change, this is also true for material resources.
Is there any way I can stop this from happening? I am currently presenting my client with histograms generated in excel with the correct incremental figures which look nothing like the histogram from the resource usage profile from P6, although the cumulative total figure is the same.
This is causing problems with getting figures to correlate through different reports and causing past reports data to be inconsistant with new reports
I am however importing the total amount of the units used for each activity ID each week so maybe this is causing the units to be spread out across the profile evenly, but I cannot seem to find a method to import the units by date increments.
Ideally I need to have an excel sheet similar to the activity usage spreadsheet from P6, which I can populate and import each week which would fix the problem. Is there any way I can do this?