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Resource Modeling in P6 - Varying resource allocation on weekly basis.

2 replies [Last post]
muhammad anwar
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Probably this issue have been discusused in the past but if there is any solution to this problem

Is it possible to allocate different hours on weekly basis for one resource to an activity. Resources work on different projects and each week allocation of a resource to each project is not consistant and is based on required task. Single task requires different resources to work at the same task. How varing hours can be allocated to P6 activities.


How can this be modelled in Primavera P6?


Rafael Davila
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Planning for variable quantities and workloads is done every day at the job site, you shall be able to do it no matter what software you are using.

Download in PDF

Zoltan Palffy
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hours are by activity where they fall time wise is based on how the schedule progresses