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How to Show Plan % Complete in WBS Summary

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Rifky Soedirdja
User offline. Last seen 7 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 22
Dear All,

Is there any way to show the Plan % Complete on WBS Summary Level? I have tried many ways, but it doesn’t work (the Summary is blank). I want to show the Plan % Complete from the Baseline and Current Schedule side by side in P6 in WBS Summary instead of by activity.

Those 2 schedules are already resource loaded with manhours.




Rodel Marasigan
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That’s good tracking for weekly monitoring. You can also attach or assigned original baseline to compare overall from original baseline to see the difference on what’s the original plan, weekly plan (revised every week) against current plan.

Good Work!

Best Regards,
Rifky Soedirdja
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I’ve run the global change to make Planned Start & Finish equal to Start & Finish on the Schedule A. I treat this Schedule A as a baseline schedule, and I just front line it every week to get the Plan figures.

What I did everyweek is to assign this Schedule A (after Front Line each week) into Current Schdule (Schedule B) which is updated as per Physical Progress on site in weekly basis. By doing this, I can compare the Unit % Complete based on the Physical progress on site, against the Planned % Complte from the Baseline.



Rodel Marasigan
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You are wrong. Baseline is based on Planned Date and not Current or actual date. If you want to reflect Actual date/ current date for Schedule % complete on baseline you need to change the baseline planned date. Below link is some thread that might help you.
How to set Baseline- After revised the Schedule and to: Post #2

Best Regards,
Rifky Soedirdja
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I just realized that after I set Schedule A as a Baseline into the current schedule (Schedule B), The schedule % complete is not the same as before I assigned as a baseline.

What I mean is, before I assigned Schedule A as a baseline, Unit % Complete = 39.3% which is the calculation of Actual Labor Unit/Bdgted Labor Units. I believe, this Unit % Complete should be the same as Schedule % complete (Planned % Complete) once this Schedule A is assigned as a Baseline into the Current Schedule (Schedule B), right?

But when I assigned this Schedule A as a baseline into the current schedule (Schedule B), Schdule % Complete in the Current Schedule (Schedule B) has changed to 40.2%. When I tried to show the column of BL Actual Labor Units, the calculation seems not correct also. Schdule % Complete supposed to be the calculation from BL Actual Labor Unit/BL Bdgeted Labor Units, right?

Can you help me in this? Hope my question is clear enough. Your help is appreciated. Thanks.

Rifky Soedirdja
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Thanks for your help. Problem is solved now.


Rodel Marasigan
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The proper way is to change it from original source (Enterprise-> Resources-> Units & Prices tab).
The fastest way is go to Resource Assignment window and Group & Sort by Resource. Right click and select column->customize. Under General select Rate Source and Price/unit then click okay. On first row (not summary band) click Rate Source column and change it to Override and change the price/unit to 1. Highlight from 1st row where the data is amended up to the last row. While the cursor is on 1st row rate source column press Ctrl+e (fill command) and it filled override for all the rows and repeat the same process on Price/unit column. That should show summary band %.
Rifky Soedirdja
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Rodel, I never use cost loaded before. I tried to change Price/unit from the Resource’s Tab as per your suggestion from $0 to $1. But unfortunately I couldn’t click/change the cell. Do I need to change it one by one for each Resource? Or is there any faster way to do this?

Can you help me again? Thanks.


Rodel Marasigan
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Schedule % complete or Planned % complete will summarise only if the program is cost loaded. If your 2 schedules are already resource loaded with man-hours you need to put at least $1 Price/unit to equal man-hours and select Tools-> Recalculate assignment cost. That should give you a summary % complete on WBS summary level or band.