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Difference in % Complete

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Ernani Garena
User offline. Last seen 12 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 4 Dec 2008
Posts: 36
I am a newbie in P6 and I would like to know the differences in the following % Complete:

1. Cost % Complete
2. Duration % Complete
3. Expense Cost % Complete
4. Labor Cost % Complete
5. Labor Units % Complete
6. Material Cost % Complete
7. Units % Complete
8. Activity % Complete
9. Performance % Complete
10. Physical % Complete
11. Schedule % Complete

Do I need to provide progress to each item in updating the progress?


Rodel Marasigan
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Generally it refers to Actual % complete.
1. Cost % Complete = % of Actual cost entered to activity.
2. Duration % Complete = % of Actual duration complete entered to activity
3. Expense Cost % Complete = % of Actual Expense cost entered to activity
4. Labor Cost % Complete = % of Actual Labor cost assigned to activity
5. Labor Units % Complete = % of Actual Labor complete assigned to activity
6. Material Cost % Complete = % of Actual Material Cost complete
7. Units % Complete = % of Total Actual Units (labor + non labor)
8. Activity % Complete = refers to any activity type set to activity (i.e. Duration %, Unit % and Physical % type)
9. Performance % Complete = Activity % complete with summary.
10. Physical % Complete = % of physical effort (manual input)
11. Schedule % Complete = Planned % complete based on Baseline assigned. If no baseline assign by default it use current project.

Planner are subject to progress only on the settings correspond to those Progress complete type when updating the progress. Majority of those percent complete synchronize on the settings and automatically updated except for Physical % complete type.