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P6 Cost data fields?

6 replies [Last post]
Martin Corkill
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Does anyone know where P6 hides the cost information? I’m looking to use Access to build s-curves, but can’t find the cost data source fields anywhere? What does P6 use to create its ’Activity Usage’ view from?


Martin Corkill
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Cancel that - I’ve found it, thanks for the help Rodel.
Martin Corkill
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Thanks for your reply. I am using the SDK and also have an ODBC link via MS Access. When I open the TASKRSRC table in MS Access it’s empty?
Rodel Marasigan
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For Cost and resource assignment TASKRSRC table. All information is there. If you are using SDK you can also use TASK Spread table which can be set date interval by day, week, month or year.
Martin Corkill
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Let me rephrase my question in simpler terms...

I have clicked "Activity Usage Profile"
I have chosen "Cost" data, and the "Total" box is ticked
I have ticked Budgeted; Actual and Remaining.

I now have a lovely little graphic showing me bars for each of those, for each time period. I can double-click in there and it pops up with a box showing me Total and Cumulative values for each of those.

My question is - FROM THE DATABASE, WHICH DATA FIELDS ARE P6 USING TO CREATE THIS GRAPH? When I open the database, I can not find "Budgeted Total Cost" or "Cumulative Total Cost" or anything like that.
Martin Corkill
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That’s not what I was asking. I need to access the data OUTSIDE of P6, using MS ACCESS. I want to know which DATA FIELDS store the cost information.

Erickson Tria
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When you’ve already loaded the resources on the activities you can view them on assignment, resource table or profile. Use the icons and explore.