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Duration in WBS Band not reflect total Project Duration

4 replies [Last post]
Haresh Jayanth
User offline. Last seen 7 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 219

I have project with 6 months duration assigned to a full working calendar (no holidays) . But in the WBS summary band the the total duration is showing 130 days...........eventhough i have assigned a full working calendar??? Why???

Kindly reply.


Haresh Jayanth


Rodel Marasigan
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Click the link below where I explained how the calendar works in P6.
Multiple calendar scheduling Post#3
muhammad anwar
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1. The Start and Finish dates of the black summary band representing the entire time the activities are working is calculated from the earliest Start date of all included activities to the
latest Finish date of all included activities.
2. The amount of available work hours between the start and finish dates of the summary band is calculated using the Global default calendar.
3. The total number of available work hours defined on the global default calendar is divided by the hours/day setting found in Admin, Admin Preferences, Time Periods to determine
the duration in days of the summary band.


Haresh Jayanth
User offline. Last seen 7 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 219
Dear Samer,

I very well know that , the WBS summary does not has time associated with it , my question was , why doesn’t it reflects the correct duration of the project??


Haresh Jayanth
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Haresh,

It has to do with the View that you are using. WBS has no time associated with it.

With kind regards,
