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Duration on WBS band

4 replies [Last post]
Hady Shendy, PMP
User offline. Last seen 12 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi All
I think all of us notice the underneath matter:
- In my schedule there are 2 calendars 5D/W & 6D/W
- Defualt calender is 5D/W
- Activities group and sort by WBS levels
- Then the duration column on WBS bands match defualt calender and ignored the related activities’calander (6D/W) under WBS bands.

Please advise how can work around to avoid that




Marcio Sampaio
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Duration on WBS levels respect Admin / Admin Preferences / Time Periods.

David Kelly
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Yes, this is the way it is supposed to work.

A typical project for my clients has a minimum of three calenders which have 40,84 and 168 working hours per week. Go figure what the "default" calender has to be to make sense of that. For each one of them it is the feature they like least about the product.

I know of no workaround. That means that each one of us who struggle with this MUST make an enhancement request to Primavera. If enough of us ask for it - it will happen.

What we need is a column called something like "Elapsed days" which shows the actual days between two dates independent of ALL calendars.

Meantime practice your explanation of how Primavera calculates summary durations. The only thing worse than the boss spotting that the summary duration does not look "right" is not explaining it clearly and with confidence.
Hady Shendy, PMP
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May if Primavera developers working on it for next release
Rashid Iqbal
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What I know is this that nothing can be done. And just to point a thing more. Imagine that if the different calenders have different work hours per day then you cant show the correct durations for activities.

For example one activtiy is double shift which means 20 hours per day and the other is single shift i.e. 10 hrs per day. Even if both the activties are starting and ending on the same day, the duration (other than hours) of one would be double than the other.

Sorry for not being of any help.
