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Comparing Work Packages within Multiple P6 Projects

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simon davies
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I have recently taken over a Programme and I have been asked to illustrate why delays to a specific work package has occurred over the last 13 monthly updates. (This is one work package of 6 in the programme)

Does anyone know a quick report or method of illustrating how the acitivities have moved for the specific work package only? Perhaps coding the acitivities somehow and a group /sort??

P6 only has 3 baselines which it can illustrate graphically so I can’t perform this task visually. Any help would be great.


simon davies
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That’s a good idea, and so far that is what I’d go with (as I require a visual comaprison). However, I was looking for a Rolls Royce solution of showing all the updates on one print off. I don’t think a screen shot will show all the activities I’m comparing though
Simon Martin
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I’m not sure if I’m misunderstanding what you wish to do, but you could as you suggest assign Work Package activity codes to all activities (or even just to the activities within the WP you are interested in), and then filter to show the activties within that work package.

Do you have a baseline for each time the project was updated? If so could you not produce a series of screenshots with the first one being the initial baseline against the first update baseline, then the second one being the first update baseline against the second and so on. You could put these into PowerPoint or similar and add a few captions to explain the delays each month.
Rodel Marasigan
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Try to save the report to CSV extension. You can play it with excel. Select 1 option at the time.
simon davies
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I have run a claim digger report and it produces a lot of data to sift through out of all 1000 activities. Is there any way to define which activities that it looks at?. All I can see is group by acitivity option, but I still have to sift through to see which ones I need?
Rodel Marasigan
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The fastest way you can use within primavera itself is run the claim digger under Tools-> Claim digger.