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P6 SQL database Configuration

13 replies [Last post]
Pundalik Tilve
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HI TO ALL, I INSTALLED COMPLETELY AND SUCCESSFULLY A P6 IN MY LAPTOP, WINDOWS 7 Ultimate OS, WHEN I ATTEMPTING TO LOG IN A MESSAGE APPEAR AS EXACTLY AS THIS "Unable to connect to the Database, would you like to configure it?" BUT WHEN I CONFIGURE STILL CANNOT LOG IN AND A MESSAGE AGAIN APPEAR AS EXACTLY AS THIS "Bad public user name or password. Database Server Error: Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]. ".
CAN ANYBODY HELP ME? THANKS AND ADVANCE.can also send to my email or


Zoltan Palffy
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sent solution via email but box wanted me ot sign up. I dont need to sign up for anything else 

Mark Paolo Mission
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Hi, I am having the same problem with Pundalik Tilve. Can anyone send me a solution via email.

much thanks 

Zoltan Palffy
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sent solution via email 

muhammad haseeb
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i have tried but it is not going to solve , please guide how to fix the same issue.

muhammad haseeb
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i have tried but it is not going to solve , please guide how to fix the same issue.

muhammad haseeb
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Hi to all ,


i have same problem , please guide 

Muhammad Ayoub
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HI TO ALL, I INSTALLED COMPLETELY AND SUCCESSFULLY A P6 IN MY LAPTOP, WINDOWS 7 , WHEN I ATTEMPTING TO LOG IN A MESSAGE APPEAR AS EXACTLY AS THIS "Unable to connect to the Database, would you like to configure it?" BUT WHEN I CONFIGURE STILL CANNOT LOG IN AND A MESSAGE AGAIN APPEAR AS EXACTLY AS THIS "Bad public user name or password. Database Server Error: Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]. ".
CAN ANYBODY HELP ME? THANKS AND ADVANCE.can also send to my email

Mathieu ALBOUY
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The thing is that you are unable to access to your Database. You have to reach your standalone Servor.  PM also instal a servor during the PM software installing.

That's not the end because depending on which version you have installed, P6V7 or P6.2.1 or previous version, PM instal different Servor. Indeed whith the P6V7 package Oracle provide by default the Oracle XE servor (which is a big shit impossible to manage), at the opposite with P6.2.1 and previous MSSQL Express 2005 is provided, and this one is manageable.

1- Connect to your Servor;

2- Reach you DB;

3- Check the users avaibles into this DB (Security/Users by memory) you should have Privuser & Pubuser;

4- Launch the following script (it works into MSSQl):

              exec sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'pubuser', 'pubuser'
              exec sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'privuser', 'privuser'

5- Launch PM and create a new connection alias;

6- Into the DB Config: Specify the password to reach the Servor, Enter the login & Password pubuser/pubuser or privuser/privuser.


It should work,

Good Luck ;)




jorge santos
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dear mr tilve,

could you pls. send me the email

this would be a great help.

thanks in advance






Mike Testro
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Hi Pundalik

So what was the solution please?

We are all waiting.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Tony Crowley
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Can anyone assist as I am having the same problem and have tried various workarounds that I have seen in this forum on the web?

Much appreciated

User offline. Last seen 13 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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i have the same pb with Oracle database (oracle express in a stand alone mode), with the same symptom at the end, can anybody help me with this pb. i’ m not able to configure the database.

thanks in advance for your help
Pundalik Tilve
User offline. Last seen 14 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Yes, I got the solution for the Problem from one of the friend from planningplanet.

His name is :
Mr.Mmuhammad anwar
Heavy Civils

Thanks dear,

You did it for me, I was longing for this from quite a long time.