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Does anyone know how to set up P6 networking

4 replies [Last post]
Wilfredo Jr. Flores
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Hi everyone, I need help in setting up the P6 networking. I’m successful in giving access rights for my colleague, but they can’t perform updating progress. They can’t edit/apply actual dates and percentage complete progress.


Wilfredo Jr. Flores
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hi nicky, thanks.sure it will be a great help to me.
Nicky Watson
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Presuming that you have ensured that the profile name concerned has the correct privileges, the only other thing I can suggest is to check under drop down menu ’Admin’ and the ’Users’ button and ensure that your user has the correct Global Security Profile allocated there too.

Wilfredo Jr. Flores
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Hi Nicky, thanks for the reply...I’ve tick the apply actuals and other related items in the Project and Global Profiles, but still I can’t edit / apply actual Dates
Nicky Watson
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Hi there.

You need to select ’Admin’ then’Security Profiles’ from drop down list at top of screen. Then select ’Project profiles’ and click on a profile name - make default if you wish by ticking box.

Then click which privileges from list you wish this profile name to have i.e. ’Apply Actuals’ - Has privilege - tick.

NB - You may need to ’Add’ your profile names if you haven’t set these up yet.

Hope this helps.