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How I would like to See P5/6/7 evolve

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Jay S
User offline. Last seen 10 years 4 days ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 36
Yes I have been using the ##%!@% thing and I have start liking it except for a couple of Minor issues.

1) User Preferances. I would like to see a File you can export. Problem When you import a schedule from somebody else you might not see the same data as His User prefernces could be different.

2) Earne value on Resource Level

3) Report Writer as part of it

4) Late Curves (Current version not fine)

5) Matrix Reports

I was wondering what anybody else would like to see.

Or do you have the same "Enhancement reqeust as I do)

And Changing Back to Primavera from Oracle is not an option.