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Duplicating a WBS in P6

7 replies [Last post]
Farzin Farsi
User offline. Last seen 4 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 20
Hi there,
I am trying to duplicate a WBS (or set of activities) in one project. The problem is I’d like to have a different prefix for each set (different stations in the project) but exact the same number. And this needs to happen more than 30 times.

I wish there was an option in WBS area like whenever you are to paste a WBS it would ask for newly added activities prefix.

Anyone knows the fastest way to do so?

Thanks in advance


Farzin Farsi
User offline. Last seen 4 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 20
Thanks Sean, I’d whenever get a chance. I’m still stuck to P6.2.
Sean Moghimi
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Hi Farzin,

In Primavera P6 V.7, new version that Oracle released 2 days ago, there is a new function to renumber the activities or change prefixes with variety of options. You may as well want to give it a try...

Farzin Farsi
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Posts: 20
Thanks Arnold,
That was a great help.

Arnold Puy
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Hi Farzin,

There is a workaround, try this:

Say for example: You want to copy AB1000, AB1010, AB1020...& etc...Then you want to become BA1000, BA1010, BA1020...& etc...

First, do the global change, where:

user_text1 = SubString(Activity ID,3,20)

Then the result is user_text1:
1000, 1010, 1020....& etc...

When done, perform the steps in Post #2.

After that, filter all the newly copied activities and run a global change again, but this time with combination parameters, Where:

Activity ID = LeftString(Activity ID,2) & user_text1

Let us know if you have done this.


Interesting that in Spider Project this function is standard.
We recomend this approach to activity coding of similar fragnets.
Best Regards,
Farzin Farsi
User offline. Last seen 4 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 20
Thanks Arnold,
This changes both prefix, and number. what if I’d like to keep the number and only change the prefix?
PS: Because ID numbers do not obey any sort of steady increment I need to keep them in their order.
Arnold Puy
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Hi Farzin,

Before copying the WBS go to --> Enterprise --> Project, highlight the current open project --> Project Details --> Defaults tab, Auto-numbering Defaults, in Activity ID Prefix change the value and untick the check box next to "Increment ID based on selected activity".

When done, go to Project --> WBS and copy the WBS including activities.

Hope this helps.

