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2 replies [Last post]
Shahzad Ahmad
User offline. Last seen 15 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 96
Greeting Arnold,

I have imported weights values from xcl. in to P6

However import done ...Est.Weight Column Shows 1 for all activity whereas i weight value , more then one for most of activites.

i want show weight value in % forms..

Please advice me where i am making mistake.

Request Please if it is possible send me a sample in PDF for weitages like you have sent S-Curves and resources export.

Thanks & Best Regards
Shahzad Ahmad


Arnold Puy
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Hi Shahzad,

The Est Weight you are referring is the Estimation Weight used for top down estimation. This distributes estimated units in top down manner to activities using WBS hierarchy.

You need to create first a UDF in order to assign the values of each activity weighted %age.


Sitaram Sakamuri
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Hai arnold

Will you please send me the S-curve and resource export sample in PDF to my mail id
