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Hiding Blank Acitivity Codes

7 replies [Last post]
Martin McGuire
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Does anyone know how to hide blank activity codes from the layout, currently I get levels with no associated coding stating e.g. No Area/Department?


mimoune djouallah
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Jonathan, you are the man, thanks
Jonathan Russell
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heres a little trick for you guys. add a completly blank code using alt 0160. holding alt and on the num pad key in 0160 then release alt will enter what looks like a space. it does not act like a normal space using the spacebar and will save as a code value.

if you dont have a numpad copy and paste whats between the " below
" "
mike mark
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1. create an activity code
2. assign the code to the blank activity code
3. create the appropriate filter.
4. filter them out.

Ruel Camaquin
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Hope this helps,

1. Go to View
2. Click Group and Sort
3. From Groups by Option, check "Hide if Empty" box.


Jason LI
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I’m not fully get your meaning, but if you can add a filter like Department is not equal to blank. your layout will exclude these items. hope its you want.
mimoune djouallah
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there is a workaround, you can put a point or a dash (. -) as a dummy activity codes and assign it to activities without activity codes, it is always better then those ugly no code.


Arnold Puy
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Hi Martin,

If you are using P6.2 then unfortunately you cannot hide the blank activity codes. The best way is to use WBS.

