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WBS and Staus Bar appearence

6 replies [Last post]
Steve Haynes
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Dear PPs
I am newbie here.
2 things i need to know

i... If we prepare a programme in P6, WBS will allocate automatically to each activity or we need to assign it manually ?
If manually then how can we assign this WBS to each activity?

ii.....In P3, in status bar at bottom , following items appear ’Area, Department, Responsibility’ etc but in P6 these items never appear. Only theses appear ‘WBS , Responsible Manager, Primary Resource’ etc

why? ’Area, Department, Responsibility’ do not appear in status bar in P6 as appears in P3

Is this possible to show ’Area, Department, Responsibility’ in status bar at bottom in P6 if we define these in Group and Sort?

Experts please help me out in above.

Many thanks



John William
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Matter sorted. I got info from one PP.

Arnold Puy
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Hi John,

For Resources, what do you need?

1. Create
2. Assign
3. Define
4. So on & so forth.

For Earned Value, I think you need to know about the EV technique using WBS IN P6.0



John William
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Can you please send me some tips and tricks about Resources and Eraned Value?


Arnold Puy
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Hi Steve,

Please send me your email address and I will forward to you the steps. My email add is



Steve Haynes
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Thanks for detailed reply.

Is there any way to see those codes which we define in Project Codes in the status bar as we can see and assign in P3?

example: Sec... Dep... Res etc

Secondly how to undue in P6 if u written something wrong?

Please give me tip and tricks to see these defined codes in status bar

Arnold Puy
User offline. Last seen 10 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Steve,

First of all, welcome to PP.

1. You need to assign manually. The easiest way is to create, organize & define the WBS first before creating activities. Then show the WBS into your activity windows by selecting the Group & Sort, and untick the chechbox next to "Hide if empty". When done, create the necessary activities under the level of each WBS.

If you have already the existing activities then you need to drag that activities or group of activities to that particular WBS. Or you can assign them using Excel sheet.

2. In P6, it is quite complicated because of filter command in the "Bars". First of all, create an Activity Code and assign them to the activities. When, done, go to "Bars" add new & rename the same with the activity code name. In the same window and dialog box, select the filter, select new & modify.

Let me know if you have done it.


