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Summary WBS Bar

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ali kandemir
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How can i show summary bars for each WBS title? And label this in legend?

For example,i want summary bars in different colour indicating mechanical works and domestic water system durations.

1.Mechanical works
1.1.Domestic water System
1.1.1.DWS for grounf floor
1.1.2.DWS for 1st Floor


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Hi Ahmet.
I still can not do it. Which value in parameter did you use to filter WBS?

Ahmet Cetin
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Yes of course, it is just a matter of how you define the filter. You can select each WBS node pne by one and give different colors to each of them.

Hope this helps,

Ahmet Cetin

Primavera Tools, Forum, Tutorials

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Hi Ahmet.
It’s great that you can solve the problem.
I viewed your solution and saw that color are depend on WBS level. WBS level 1 have 1 color, level 2 have 1 color... and apply to all WBS.
Firstly I think the request of this issue is to apply different color to each WBS. It mean GC.1 have 1 color, GC.2 have another color... Can we do this in P6.

Ahmet Cetin
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You can post it in the forum in I will check it at night.

Ahmet Cetin

Primavera Tools, Forum, Tutorials

ali kandemir
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Could you give me any mail address to send it? I really appreciate if you solve this..Because ı know there is a way to show this, i was it on pdf file. But how did they do, i dont know.
Ahmet Cetin
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To be honest, I don’t remember if it is possible in P3 or not, I don’t use P3 for 4 years. The screenshots I’ve posted is taken from P6, but it should work in P4 and P5 as well.

Can you post the screenshot you’ve made? I will check it at home. I have P3 installed at home.

Ahmet Cetin


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ali kandemir
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Hi Ahmet,

I already looked your sample. but it’s not P3 i think, maybe upper versions. Is it possible to do it in P3?

In P3, i couldnt show any bars for WBS level-1 and 2,only it shows bars for level 3.

1 - Architectural bars in gantt chart
1.1. - bars in gantt chart
1.1.1. - Ground floor plastering...has bar in gantt chart

In one of pdf samples, i did see, somehow it can be shown for L1 and L2 activities but how?
Ahmet Cetin
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Hi again,

Actually you cannot do it in activities window, because wbs bars are summary bars and you cannot filter them there.

I did this in wbs window, but unfortunately I cannot post it here as uploading file is not allowed in this forum. I posted it in another primavera forum. If anybody is interested, you can see it at:

Hope this helps,

Ahmet Cetin


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Hi Mark.
I think we are mentioning WBS color in Gantt chart window , not in table window. Of course in table we can choose the color we want.
In WBS window we can not create filter for each WBS because parameter do not have WBS path.
In activity window we can do it because parameter in filter have WBS path.

Mark Chapman
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I have inherited a standard WBS Layout in P5 which appears to answer your question. Go to Group & Sort. Here I group by WBS Level 1 with indent and All. This provides different fonts & colours for each level.

With the previous 2 replies; I cannot create a filter for a particular level. What is the syntax? Does this change the colour of the summary bar?
Ahmet Cetin
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Hello Ali,

You achieve it in WBS view. While you’re in Gannt area in WBS view, right click and select Bars. Then you can add bars for each WBS node, and create filter when you are in Bars dialog box, and change the colors. Note that, except Bars dialog, there is no filter in WBS view, so, you shall create your filter in Bars dialog box.

Hope this helps,

Ahmet Cetin

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Hi Ali
I think currently Primavera does not support different color in WBS band (in Gantt chart window).
You can create a WBS summary activity for each WBS.
Go to View -> Bar. Create several bar with color you want. Create filter for those bar to appear only on WBS you want.

Oliver Melling
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They explain how to do this on Primavera training courses.
