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Updating via Importing Data from Another Project

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R Jones
User offline. Last seen 13 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Sep 2005
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I have a baseline project which has subsequently had the resources (quantities) updated by a standalone user (i.e. working from a copy of the baseline). Unfortunately the standalone user has also added some new activities and progress.

My problem is I want to update the resource quantities in my baseline but don’t want any of the other updated information.

Is this possible as I have experimented with the Import wizard and also tried via excel but have been unable to import just “Budgeted Labour Units” and “Budget Nonlabour Units”

Apart from having to manually input the data to 8000+ activities does anyone have any suggestions?



Arnold Puy
User offline. Last seen 10 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1147
Hi R Jones,

First of all, welcome to Planning Planet.

Well, it is not very clear for me however, let me answer your question. But first make a backup to your project.

In order to update your Baseline Resource Quantities, go to Project --> Maintain Baselines and select the Baseline you wanted to update.

Select the "Update" button remove all the checks except for "Update exisitng activities already in the baseline" & "Ignore Last Update Date". In Specify the activities to include: select the "All activities" or filter the folowing activities you want to change.

Then select the "Update Options" radio button, under the "When updating resource assignment data, include:
Mark the checkbox next to "Update existing resource and role assignments" & "Budgeted units and cost" & unselect the rest of the checkbox then ok.

Then select "Update".

You can easily perform this exercise in excel sheet.


