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Global changes to User Defined Fields

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Colin Tait
User offline. Last seen 16 years 1 week ago. Offline
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Posts: 4
When using User Defined Fields, is there an easy way to rename each field globally, so that other users of the enterprise can readily identify which columns to add to their personal layouts?

(ie they could add a "Building No" column to their view, rather than me ask them to add "user_number2" and edit the column heading themselves)




Dieter Wambach
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Maybe I didn’t understand your question properly.
1. Change column’s title: As described before: valid for a certain layout which may be accessible for all users or a spicified one or a project
2. Change the name of a udf: Enterprise --> UDF --> select UDF’s area (Activities, Projects...)
3. Change contents: Global change works for some of the groups only.

Hope this helps
Colin Tait
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Posts: 4
Thanks Dieter

However, it’s a global change (ie - for ALL users) that I’m looking for.

Dieter Wambach
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In your layout you can modify a column’s title, e.g. for UDF_2.
Cursor into the table area --> right button --> select "columns" --> mark UDF_2 --> "Edit Column" --> Enter the name --> ...

Hope this helps

David Kelly
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The only work around is to create a new udf with the name you want, and populate it