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How to export S-curve data to excel???

5 replies [Last post]
johar Mishra
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if you remember to export data from p3 we should go to reoprts\tabular reports\resources and set the interval (week/month) and generate a wk1 or db file and edit in excel ...
now the problem I faced is how to do the same in P5!
I export from "resource assignments" and copy and paste to excel, but I’d like to have a calculated early and late quantities (both) in excel at once.
any comments??


Sahar Khoshsirat
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Weighted steps in primavera plan P6



Does any body know how weighted steps can affect my plan?

Lets assume one activity has 4 steps, every step has its own start, finish and weight.

I would like to schedule the plan and draw plan Scurve, but the weights and dates in steps does not affect my %schedule.

Any help appreciated.



User offline. Last seen 4 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Johar,

U can try Pervasive ODBC drivers as well.

I have never used P5, but works brilliantly on P3.1

You dont need to perform these things with every update.

If u use pervasive ODBC drivers (Free download available on net) then u need to just press the REFRESH button and it will be updated.

Its far easy comapred to these things.

Paper for the same can be found at Paul Harris ( website


johar Mishra
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Thanks a lot. you had told every thing. solved.
johar Mishra
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Hi Mouneer,
Thanks a lot for your help. I tried all options and got a lot of new points there, but I couldn’t find axact descriptions you told (remainning early units)!
Could you please help me to find out this figure.

Please have my e-mail as below:
Mouneer Adel
User offline. Last seen 10 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi there

Open Reports and make a new report and choose time distrbuted data then activity resource assignments and then filter your required resources and when it comes to the time interval fields choose remainning early units & remaining late units , run report with the following options : ascii filed delimiter :tab text qualifier: none and choose the file name with xls extension and enjoy

I hope that helps you

Mouneer Adel