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Early Start/Finish S-curve vs Baseline S-curve

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Cristina Blades
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Posts: 24

I have a new project... all the resources are in, the proposed baseline has now been agreed and am trying to run the required S-Curves: Baseline, Early, Late.

As I have the plan open, and showing Start, Finish, Early Start, Early Finish, Late Start, Late Finish columns, I can see a difference between Start and Late Start, however, there is NO difference in the Start and Early Start dates nor the Finish and Early finish dates. Therefore, I assume that the data for my Early and Baseline S-Curves will be exactly the same.

Any help please?

Thank you,


Rodel Marasigan
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Baseline dates are different from start/ finish date if you have any assigned to current in progress program.
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Without update

Start/Finish date equals Early Dates equals Planned Dates